Saturday, November 3, 2007


Wow, time is flying by me! I can't believe it's already the 3rd of November; I move to stay with the other couple on the 10th!! I will definitely have to come back to visit with these guys.

Jetlag is starting to feel better, but still a little woozy when I woke up. I don't know if it's the jetlag or the lack of white noise, but I woke up several times last night and my body definitely tried to convince me that 4am = time to get up. BLAH. I stayed in bed until 9 though. =)

I'm waiting right now for Bettina to finish making pancakes. She refuses to let me help with anything though! I feel bad that she's going to all this trouble for me and won't let me help, but hopefully she'll get over that soon.

The kids are up and watching cartoons in the living room. I can't understand any of it, but I just heard the tune of "What would you do with a drunken sailor." I'm not sure what time they actually got up, but I heard them around 8:15ish. Anna fell asleep watching the movie last night and Jan had to carry her up the scary, narrow staircase. She didn't wake up at all!! I'm not sure where Victor slept last night, but I'm pretty sure that Malthe and Anna slept in his bed (because it's a full-size, I believe). He didn't sleep in Malthe's room, so I'm guessing he may have stayed in the room with M & A, or maybe crashed in Amalie's room.

Amalie gets along so much better with her brothers than most 16 year olds that I know! Perhaps it's just because I'm a guest, but she seems so loving with them all of the time. Even when they are being hyper and Malthe is arguing with her! She's very sweet.

I think I get to meet Saskia today when we go to the center! Jan mentioned last night that she works selling shoes at a nearby boutique. Salli then jumped in and talked about how she hates it, but is trying to save money so she can take a big trip to several different countries like Tibet, China, and Russia. I think that's really cool though. I hope I get a chance to talk with her some today. =)

Okay, I'm going to go sit in the kitchen and maybe force Bettina to let me help set the table or something! Have a wonderful day; I'll try to update again tonight if I have the time.

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